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Key Words - Toxicity, Ecology, Economy, Paradox, Preservation


       An investigation into the paradoxical conditions of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone; catalysed through the construction and destruction of the Nuclear Power Plant.

       As a virtual visitor to the Exclusion Zone I am engaging with mediated information, personal accounts, evidence, predictions, myths, imagery and language; these accumulated layers of perception contribute to its paradoxical conditions. 

       The catastrophic atomic fallout and the subsequent building of the Exclusion Zone have generated unique environmental conditions, which force us to reconsider and adapt how we cultivate and value this wilderness. 

       The ideology of the Exclusion Zone will become more frequently encountered within the landscape; as scientists have predicted nuclear disasters may occur every ten to twenty years. 

       The project accepts the realism that the site will be cultivated, and the responsibility to design a series of radiation containment infrastructures, which also create new values; either ecologically, socially or economically, to develop long-term sustainable relationships within and beyond the borders of the zone.'


'Toxic Urbanism' - 

​       A non-human urban typology which exists within toxic, anthropogenic landscapes.

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